Matthew L

Callum R-J

congratulations on passing your driving test at Swansea driving test centre

Charlie C

congratulations on your first time pass at Swansea test centre Charlie. Well done!!

Talia W

Congratulations Talia on passing your driving test first time in Swansea

Jake B

Congratulations Jake on passing first time in Swansea with ZERO FAULTS!! Well done 👍

Luca B

congratulations on your first time driving test pass at Swansea test centre with just 3 drivers faults

Ben R-J

Congratulations Ben on passing your driving test at Swansea driving test centre

Evie C

congratulations on passing your driving test first time in Swansea

Jake R

congratulations Jake on passing first time in Swansea with only 3 driver faults

Dylan M

congratulations on passing your driving test first time after completing a 25hr intensive course in Swansea and only having 4 driver faults!! Well done Dylan